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Egg binding: Turquoise Green Check Conure


Sprinting down the street
It doesn't ship to Canada, Toronto.
I wonder why not. Here are the ingredients. Maybe you can find something comparable over there. IMG_3674.jpeg
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Meeting neighbors
I wonder why not. Here are the ingredients. Maybe you can find something comparable over there. View attachment 443095
Thank you, I'll take a look. The other issue would be shipping time, but I'll explore my options. She did get a calcium shot yesterday, hopefully that helps.


Sprinting down the street
If calcium is the issue, my vet told me to give them fruit flavored tums. Just as a source of calcium in general. I have a chronic egg laying cockatiel. I provide her with a few different sources. Normally she’ll lay an egg every other day but has gone 5 or 6 days in between. Now i dont know if an egg is in there for those days or not but i can tell when she has one ready to lay. Sometimes she’ll push and push, thats when i bring out the calcium plus.
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Meeting neighbors
Im not sure how you give the powder stuff. Probably sprinkle on their food but not sure if it would have the same effect as the liquid. Im no professional. Im just picking things up as i go like everyone else.
I finally found a site that ships it to Canada. It says 1-2 business days. Unfortunately, it is the weekend. I ordered it anyways. Once it comes, how do I give it to her? Mouth, food, on the vent?

I appreciate you advising me. I recognize your not a professional, but your advice is so deeply appreciated. Thank you!


Sprinting down the street
Im not sure how you give the powder stuff. Probably sprinkle on their food but not sure if it would have the same effect as the liquid. Im no professional. Im just picking things up as i go like everyone else.
I finally found a site that ships it to Canada. It says 1-2 business days. Unfortunately, it is the weekend. I ordered it anyways. Once it comes, how do I give it to her? Mouth, food, on the vent?

I appreciate you advising me. I recognize your not a professional, but your advice is so deeply appreciated. Thank you!
Directly in the mouth with an eye dropper, IMG_3675.jpeg


Sprinting down the street
I dont know how all birds act but mine will back her butt up into the corner on the bottom of the cage when she has an egg ready to lay. She’ll fuss and keep chirping. Are you certain theres an egg in there?


Biking along the boulevard
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It's a fluid thing, and because it can become an emergency, everyone wants to err on the side of caution, and absolutely I do as well..

Having a little weird poop is normal with an egg coming. Straining is not , or doing lots of little poops over and over close together is not good ,...it all becomes a sliding scale ..and it dies get tricky to give advice.

I'm just trying to get where are we. Like where there clear , or even subtle signs of distress . Or was this you noticing an egg has dropped, and nothing has happened, nothing bad , but also no egg laid . Which from talking to you is where I think you are at.

So , I can say with my egg laying machine quaker, she can have an egg down their but not in vent not pouching out vent, not between legs , but kinda in front and take a little time to lay it. I haven't paid close attention to this , but I will next time. I'm only looking watching for distress. She has not had any issues laying. Normally when notice an egg shake down there they do lay within 2 days normally.

That said they are all different, different things can be going on , different causes of concern . Like other members have shared , too large sn egg, an egg that just isn't going anywhere isn't getting laid . So it's really hard to give answers.

Now my other quaker is six , and she got egg bound with her first egg last summer..and it was pretty much a complete surprise and a true emergency. I knew she had gained a little weight, but nothing that made me think egg. So she was out with me during the day , eating, everything normal , no signs of any distress..at 10-11 pm on a Saturday night I found her on the bottom of her cage . Woah not normal, I get her out and vent is messy bloody , pouching out . And while I was holding her she was straining, winking cloaca . I felt gently, I could feel an egg directly beneath the vent .

Now birds are going to present differently in emergency situation, I'm just sharing how it went with us .

I had emergency going on with my mom at the same time ...I have a special relationship with my vet , and I have experience working with sick birds. I called my vet and explained the situation and shared pic of vent. We both felt this is egg binding. She is on an excellent diet and we weren't worried about calcium with her. My vet had me do warm water soak right then , and again in 2 hours , but otherwise leave her alone. She has me give ginger and tumeric for pain relief untill pain meds could be called in..
It was very scary, she continuously straining, some whine vocal cry's , slightly fluffed ..after all this I went to bed in the wee hours . Hoping I'd have an egg in the morning. In the morning no egg, only tiny tiny little fluid tiny fecal fragment drops of blood on cage paper. By tiny poop I mean the tip of pinky could cover , like tear drop with a spec of fecal matter. I get her out I look at vent , swelling down , I feel , can't feel egg. I look all over for egg , no egg, no broken bits like maybe had fallen out of cage , nope nothing.

So Sunday morning, she slightly fluffed, not active, not eating, not drinking. Still straining. Still making tiny tiny tiny urine, no urate, no fecal matter or only fecal specs. Can't feel egg. I go pick up pain meds , and she called in antibiotics because of the blood and vent swelling. Now this is a true emergency, it was a true emergency on Saturday night, and more so Sunday morning. Going to a veterinarian was absolutely what should have happened. But Mom is in the hospital life and death. It's Sunday, my vet is hours away ... I call vet and give update. Tell I can't feel an egg anymore, but all signs are still egg binding. I'm freaking out is this an egg? Is this something else? Do I have to loose my bird , because my mom comes first ? She had me do warm water soak again, and I moved and parted feathers on belly in front of vent, I could see swelling and bruise like she had sucked egg up back out of vent ( chamber?) I mixed up baby bird formula, added her meds and gave by syringe ( I have experience with this , and she had previously been sick and she had experience taking formula from syringe) I rubbed a little k-y jelly on vent , and put her back in cage with my radiant heat bird panel on her . She perches , but not moving, slightly fluffed , not eating, not drinking, occasionally straining..she now has pain meds and antibiotics, she got fluids because the baby bird formula is liquid and giving straight water is a no no way to easy to choke or aspiration. I've got heat on her . I don't feel egg. Vet and I still think egg is in there , or she passed egg and dogs are it when it fell out of cage , small possibility it was never an egg ,( it was indeed an egg)! I have to go be with my mom for the day .

I come home no egg. I soak her again that evening, do syringe baby bird formula and meds . Now I feel egg again in vent opening area ......this bird should have been at vet , I want to make that clear. My vet says give her overnight, if no egg on Monday morning get someone to drive her down. Because I've got mom in the hospital fighting for her life , so I can't take my bird. My bird is still not eating, not drinking, fluffed with occasional straining.

Monday morning, my girl is eating, drinking, nice big normal poop, no fluffed. I get her out no egg , nowhere no egg. I feel her , I don't feel egg , I wet her down check abdomen no egg up above vent either. I give meds in baby bird formula again. Call vet , share pic. She says she passed egg, I think passed egg. I'm just sharing, freaking didn't find egg. Vet says she has had that happen when they eat the egg. She did excellent all day, eat drink active normal poops. I had to get a pet sitter and leave town as mom was life flighted to another hospital several hours away . Pet sitter finished meds .

4 days later when I was out of town she laid second egg, no problem, egg in bottom of cage . She had full recovery.

Unfortunately, my mom didn't make it


Biking along the boulevard
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I have worked with not my birds , egg binding.
If they aren't critical, get an X-ray , on a good diet , we give them fluids, pain meds, do soak and leave them alone in an incubator. If they are on a bad diet they get calcium. Then we wait and monitor. Most will lay the egg. If not will get the shot . And wait some more
, any point they go down hill more is done. Most come in , in pretty bad shape, they are dehydrated need IV or sq fluids , need pain meds , I think everyone single one gets out on antibiotics. Because with the tissue distress get an ascending infection and can be very serious and life threatening.

Every case is different, every bird is in a different situation , every vet is going to determine in person what's best for this bird .
If an egg is stuck , an untreated bird will die

some cases the egg is to large , gets anesthesia and egg removal, some have a broken egg in there ...there are all kinds of things that can go on .

I'm so hoping when I check in the morning, you will have shared that you have an egg, and happy healthy girl
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Meeting neighbors
It's a fluid thing, and because it can become an emergency, everyone wants to err on the side of caution, and absolutely I do as well..

Having a little weird poop is normal with an egg coming. Straining is not , or doing lots of little poops over and over close together is not good ,...it all becomes a sliding scale ..and it dies get tricky to give advice.

I'm just trying to get where are we. Like where there clear , or even subtle signs of distress . Or was this you noticing an egg has dropped, and nothing has happened, nothing bad , but also no egg laid . Which from talking to you is where I think you are at.

So , I can say with my egg laying machine quaker, she can have an egg down their but not in vent not pouching out vent, not between legs , but kinda in front and take a little time to lay it. I haven't paid close attention to this , but I will next time. I'm only looking watching for distress. She has not had any issues laying. Normally when notice an egg shake down there they do lay within 2 days normally.

That said they are all different, different things can be going on , different causes of concern . Like other members have shared , too large sn egg, an egg that just isn't going anywhere isn't getting laid . So it's really hard to give answers.

Now my other quaker is six , and she got egg bound with her first egg last summer..and it was pretty much a complete surprise and a true emergency. I knew she had gained a little weight, but nothing that made me think egg. So she was out with me during the day , eating, everything normal , no signs of any distress..at 10-11 pm on a Saturday night I found her on the bottom of her cage . Woah not normal, I get her out and vent is messy bloody , pouching out . And while I was holding her she was straining, winking cloaca . I felt gently, I could feel an egg directly beneath the vent .

Now birds are going to present differently in emergency situation, I'm just sharing how it went with us .

I had emergency going on with my mom at the same time ...I have a special relationship with my vet , and I have experience working with sick birds. I called my vet and explained the situation and shared pic of vent. We both felt this is egg binding. She is on an excellent diet and we weren't worried about calcium with her. My vet had me do warm water soak right then , and again in 2 hours , but otherwise leave her alone. She has me give ginger and tumeric for pain relief untill pain meds could be called in..
It was very scary, she continuously straining, some whine vocal cry's , slightly fluffed ..after all this I went to bed in the wee hours . Hoping I'd have an egg in the morning. In the morning no egg, only tiny tiny little fluid tiny fecal fragment drops of blood on cage paper. By tiny poop I mean the tip of pinky could cover , like tear drop with a spec of fecal matter. I get her out I look at vent , swelling down , I feel , can't feel egg. I look all over for egg , no egg, no broken bits like maybe had fallen out of cage , nope nothing.

So Sunday morning, she slightly fluffed, not active, not eating, not drinking. Still straining. Still making tiny tiny tiny urine, no urate, no fecal matter or only fecal specs. Can't feel egg. I go pick up pain meds , and she called in antibiotics because of the blood and vent swelling. Now this is a true emergency, it was a true emergency on Saturday night, and more so Sunday morning. Going to a veterinarian was absolutely what should have happened. But Mom is in the hospital life and death. It's Sunday, my vet is hours away ... I call vet and give update. Tell I can't feel an egg anymore, but all signs are still egg binding. I'm freaking out is this an egg? Is this something else? Do I have to loose my bird , because my mom comes first ? She had me do warm water soak again, and I moved and parted feathers on belly in front of vent, I could see swelling and bruise like she had sucked egg up back out of vent ( chamber?) I mixed up baby bird formula, added her meds and gave by syringe ( I have experience with this , and she had previously been sick and she had experience taking formula from syringe) I rubbed a little k-y jelly on vent , and put her back in cage with my radiant heat bird panel on her . She perches , but not moving, slightly fluffed , not eating, not drinking, occasionally straining..she now has pain meds and antibiotics, she got fluids because the baby bird formula is liquid and giving straight water is a no no way to easy to choke or aspiration. I've got heat on her . I don't feel egg. Vet and I still think egg is in there , or she passed egg and dogs are it when it fell out of cage , small possibility it was never an egg ,( it was indeed an egg)! I have to go be with my mom for the day .

I come home no egg. I soak her again that evening, do syringe baby bird formula and meds . Now I feel egg again in vent opening area ......this bird should have been at vet , I want to make that clear. My vet says give her overnight, if no egg on Monday morning get someone to drive her down. Because I've got mom in the hospital fighting for her life , so I can't take my bird. My bird is still not eating, not drinking, fluffed with occasional straining.

Monday morning, my girl is eating, drinking, nice big normal poop, no fluffed. I get her out no egg , nowhere no egg. I feel her , I don't feel egg , I wet her down check abdomen no egg up above vent either. I give meds in baby bird formula again. Call vet , share pic. She says she passed egg, I think passed egg. I'm just sharing, freaking didn't find egg. Vet says she has had that happen when they eat the egg. She did excellent all day, eat drink active normal poops. I had to get a pet sitter and leave town as mom was life flighted to another hospital several hours away . Pet sitter finished meds .

4 days later when I was out of town she laid second egg, no problem, egg in bottom of cage . She had full recovery.

Unfortunately, my mom didn't make it
Thank you for sharing your story. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I don't want you to feel like you did anything wrong by choosing to see your mother, if you didn't then it would have been a regret.

How many times should a egg bound bird be given a warm soak in a day? Do you dry her up after?


Meeting neighbors
I have worked with not my birds , egg binding.
If they aren't critical, get an X-ray , on a good diet , we give them fluids, pain meds, do soak and leave them alone in an incubator. If they are on a bad diet they get calcium. Then we wait and monitor. Most will lay the egg. If not will get the shot . And wait some more
, any point they go down hill more is done. Most come in , in pretty bad shape, they are dehydrated need IV or sq fluids , need pain meds , I think everyone single one gets out on antibiotics. Because with the tissue distress get an ascending infection and can be very serious and life threatening.

Every case is different, every bird is in a different situation , every vet is going to determine in person what's best for this bird .
If an egg is stuck , an untreated bird will die

some cases the egg is to large , gets anesthesia and egg removal, some have a broken egg in there ...there are all kinds of things that can go on .

I'm so hoping when I check in the morning, you will have shared that you have an egg, and happy healthy girl
Unfortunately, she hasn't laid an egg. Her energy levels are still same as when she never had an egg. She's eating and playing with her toys. She's giving her nest box more attention. This is now day 5 of her vent (or around it) that's swollen.

Not sure if I should give her warm baths, if so how many times in a day. Perhaps take her to the vet for x rays and hormone shot. I'm not sure. She's not straining nor sitting in a corner. She's active like a typical bird and even asks to be let out of her cage so she can spend time with me.


Sprinting down the street
The directions say 1 drop per 2oz of body weight. Im not exactly sure how much a conure weights. My cockatiels weigh about 90 grams. There are many but here is a gram to ounce calculator. Im sure theres someone on here that can give you an approximate weight of a conure. I would think somewhere around 100 grams. Dont quout me though. I have 2 green cheeks but have never weighed them.


Meeting neighbors
The directions say 1 drop per 2oz of body weight. Im not exactly sure how much a conure weights. My cockatiels weigh about 90 grams. There are many but here is a gram to ounce calculator. Im sure theres someone on here that can give you an approximate weight of a conure. I would think somewhere around 100 grams. Dont quout me though. I have 2 green cheeks but have never weighed them.
So without the egg(s) she's 76-78g with the egg(s) she's 96g. Which weight do I take into account? I'm assuming the 76-78g?


Biking along the boulevard
Celebirdy of the Month
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
Cutest Bird Ever!!!
Real Name
It's a fluid thing, and because it can become an emergency, everyone wants to err on the side of caution, and absolutely I do as well..

Having a little weird poop is normal with an egg coming. Straining is not , or doing lots of little poops over and over close together is not good ,...it all becomes a sliding scale ..and it dies get tricky to give advice.

I'm just trying to get where are we. Like where there clear , or even subtle signs of distress . Or was this you noticing an egg has dropped, and nothing has happened, nothing bad , but also no egg laid . Which from talking to you is where I think you are at.

So , I can say with my egg laying machine quaker, she can have an egg down their but not in vent not pouching out vent, not between legs , but kinda in front and take a little time to lay it. I haven't paid close attention to this , but I will next time. I'm only looking watching for distress. She has not had any issues laying. Normally when notice an egg shake down there they do lay within 2 days normally.

That said they are all different, different things can be going on , different causes of concern . Like other members have shared , too large sn egg, an egg that just isn't going anywhere isn't getting laid . So it's really hard to give answers.

Now my other quaker is six , and she got egg bound with her first egg last summer..and it was pretty much a complete surprise and a true emergency. I knew she had gained a little weight, but nothing that made me think egg. So she was out with me during the day , eating, everything normal , no signs of any distress..at 10-11 pm on a Saturday night I found her on the bottom of her cage . Woah not normal, I get her out and vent is messy bloody , pouching out . And while I was holding her she was straining, winking cloaca . I felt gently, I could feel an egg directly beneath the vent .

Now birds are going to present differently in emergency situation, I'm just sharing how it went with us .

I had emergency going on with my mom at the same time ...I have a special relationship with my vet , and I have experience working with sick birds. I called my vet and explained the situation and shared pic of vent. We both felt this is egg binding. She is on an excellent diet and we weren't worried about calcium with her. My vet had me do warm water soak right then , and again in 2 hours , but otherwise leave her alone. She has me give ginger and tumeric for pain relief untill pain meds could be called in..
It was very scary, she continuously straining, some whine vocal cry's , slightly fluffed ..after all this I went to bed in the wee hours . Hoping I'd have an egg in the morning. In the morning no egg, only tiny tiny little fluid tiny fecal fragment drops of blood on cage paper. By tiny poop I mean the tip of pinky could cover , like tear drop with a spec of fecal matter. I get her out I look at vent , swelling down , I feel , can't feel egg. I look all over for egg , no egg, no broken bits like maybe had fallen out of cage , nope nothing.

So Sunday morning, she slightly fluffed, not active, not eating, not drinking. Still straining. Still making tiny tiny tiny urine, no urate, no fecal matter or only fecal specs. Can't feel egg. I go pick up pain meds , and she called in antibiotics because of the blood and vent swelling. Now this is a true emergency, it was a true emergency on Saturday night, and more so Sunday morning. Going to a veterinarian was absolutely what should have happened. But Mom is in the hospital life and death. It's Sunday, my vet is hours away ... I call vet and give update. Tell I can't feel an egg anymore, but all signs are still egg binding. I'm freaking out is this an egg? Is this something else? Do I have to loose my bird , because my mom comes first ? She had me do warm water soak again, and I moved and parted feathers on belly in front of vent, I could see swelling and bruise like she had sucked egg up back out of vent ( chamber?) I mixed up baby bird formula, added her meds and gave by syringe ( I have experience with this , and she had previously been sick and she had experience taking formula from syringe) I rubbed a little k-y jelly on vent , and put her back in cage with my radiant heat bird panel on her . She perches , but not moving, slightly fluffed , not eating, not drinking, occasionally straining..she now has pain meds and antibiotics, she got fluids because the baby bird formula is liquid and giving straight water is a no no way to easy to choke or aspiration. I've got heat on her . I don't feel egg. Vet and I still think egg is in there , or she passed egg and dogs are it when it fell out of cage , small possibility it was never an egg ,( it was indeed an egg)! I have to go be with my mom for the day .

I come home no egg. I soak her again that evening, do syringe baby bird formula and meds . Now I feel egg again in vent opening area ......this bird should have been at vet , I want to make that clear. My vet says give her overnight, if no egg on Monday morning get someone to drive her down. Because I've got mom in the hospital fighting for her life , so I can't take my bird. My bird is still not eating, not drinking, fluffed with occasional straining.

Monday morning, my girl is eating, drinking, nice big normal poop, no fluffed. I get her out no egg , nowhere no egg. I feel her , I don't feel egg , I wet her down check abdomen no egg up above vent either. I give meds in baby bird formula again. Call vet , share pic. She says she passed egg, I think passed egg. I'm just sharing, freaking didn't find egg. Vet says she has had that happen when they eat the egg. She did excellent all day, eat drink active normal poops. I had to get a pet sitter and leave town as mom was life flighted to another hospital several hours away . Pet sitter finished meds .

4 days later when I was out of town she laid second egg, no problem, egg in bottom of cage . She had full recovery.

Unfortunately, my mom didn't make it
I am so so sorry you had all that at once
Still breaks my heart about your mum but I am glad your egg laying girl pulled through

super scary and something I hope I never have to do through


Biking along the boulevard
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I am so sorry you are going through this sending you positive vibes


Meeting neighbors
I am so sorry you are going through this sending you positive vibes
I see that you have conures of your own. Have you ever had an egg issue? If do, how long did it take after you could visibly tell that your bird had an egg in her?


Sprinting down the street
So without the egg(s) she's 76-78g with the egg(s) she's 96g. Which weight do I take into account? I'm assuming the 76-78g?
I would say her normal body weight.


Biking along the boulevard
Celebirdy of the Month
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
Cutest Bird Ever!!!
Real Name
I worry that causes stress , changing routine, has had her hold onto egg. Plus it weird and a little uncomfortable to them the first time , I think anyway ..so they can be a little reluctant to push it out .

Since you haven't felt comfortable doing a little soak or encouraging a bath. I think it's time for professional help.

I keep hoping I will check your thread and see success. Worried with you