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Angry Bird


Checking out the neighborhood
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Shane Cromer
I recently found a lovebird. I tried to find its owner but no one responded to posts. I bought a large cage, took to the vet. now it mine. It loves being around people. It climbs all over everyone. Seeks you out to get on your shoulder. My problem is that it is very aggressive. Any hands near it will be bitten. The only way to pick it up is with a towel or let it climb up your leg. It will hunt out a hand and bite. I spend a lot of time with it, Let it roam most the day out of its cage. I’m hoping it will become more tame. Any advice would be appreciated.



Biking along the boulevard
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such a gorgeous bird

my female lovebird is aggressive too she definitely a hands off bird I’ve taught her to come to my arm if I tap it and give her a treat depending on her mood it’s either a bigger piece of millet where she can’t get my fingers because she will nail my fingers over treat or if she’s playing nice a safflower seed

I wouldn’t grab her in a towel it’s just taking back any trust your building

you have to try different ways that take your hand out of situation not every bird will step up indie will fly to me or any perch I tap it’s how we get around it

if they bite put down and say no bite turn your back if they are wanting attention she will get it that bites qual no attention try to say it in a level voice I know it hurts but try not to make your voice react
indie knows no bite and if she in a good mood listens if she not she will bite and flying off

you have to try ignore behaviour you don’t want and massively praise behaviour you want


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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Reino de España
Emma left good advice,

you have to try ignore behaviour you don’t want and massively praise behaviour you want
but it is more, trying to avoid the unwanted behaviour happening by learning the signs of a bite coming, and retreating before it happens.

Invest in a big bag of millet spray (the stuff on sticks) cut them into thirds to have a good size (too big is scary for them, too small risks your fingers being close to their beak).

Also, I think it is still worth keeping an eye out for the birds owners. Even if you find them in years to come, just to give them closure.


Biking along the boulevard
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Emma left good advice,

but it is more, trying to avoid the unwanted behaviour happening by learning the signs of a bite coming, and retreating before it happens.

Invest in a big bag of millet spray (the stuff on sticks) cut them into thirds to have a good size (too big is scary for them, too small risks your fingers being close to their beak).

Also, I think it is still worth keeping an eye out for the birds owners. Even if you find them in years to come, just to give them closure.
I do agree you should try avoid unwanted behaviour full stop but I am not sure if posters bird is same as indie she gives no warnings at times just flys up and bites whatever she lands on she can and will bite through my clothes I can tell when she like this from minute I go in birds room (as I walked in she’s attacking cage bars or toys makes a very distinctive noises fluffed up attacks while I try opening her door if she’s going to be nice she’s makes kisses noises and I am able to open her door ) I should probably leave her in her cage when she is that way out I just feel guilty if she can’t come out
So yes try avoid unwanted behaviour but I also try not to react to unwanted behaviour


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You can try teaching her to step up on a perch too if she's biting your hands.