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Adding an Amazon-thoughts/help?


Meeting neighbors
So after researching I’ve found my way to this point. I have large bird experience and love how Amazons are fairly easy to read when looking for the signs. That said I’ve come to a point where I’ve found different ones available and I’m doing all I can think meet them all.

I know all birds are individuals and that’s top priority, but I have a few questions:

My list:
-Mealy(found one, but age is questionable to my eyes, but I totally can be wrong in my thoughts)

-BFA male(yes I know they’re a hot list bird), this one is 8 months old and has a great disposition. That said I know hormones can change this. I was told this one has never done any bluffing and was told that’s a very good thing? Is that possible and is that a good thing? I’ve also heard “Chaco” type is typically nicer and honestly don’t know anyone with them other than what I read on “the golden cockatoo’s description”

-Mexican Red Head
-BFA(Chaco type)

I’m very excited and would love to hear thoughts from those that actually own these, not from people who have read things. Any help with breeders that are great would also be wonderful. My best experiences have been from actual breeders vs middle men. I’m open to a middle men. Handling a potential to be more than a one person bird is important, I do understand that can happen with any bird with the right socialization and I’m more than prepared to do that.

Thank you!

some things to consider when choosing your new life long companion.

When you get a rescue, they come with whatever good/bad habits. I own a DYHA that was a rescue. hes been awesome, but he came with some bad habits. i.e. he is completely terrified of certain things, and training him is different than that of a baby parrot...You also dont know what the bird's diet was...believe it or not, and my Amazon went through some horrific conditions, but when i asked what was his previous diet, they said dog food. I do not know what the long term effects will be on my boy. it may have caused him to get heart or other internal conditions. Currently he seems very healthy, blood tests come back normal and his diet now is very healthy. His weight is also more in the healthy range.

I agree, there are TONS needing rescue, but remember, this bird will more than likely out live you, and if you have a family, their bad habits or good habits will be with you and your entire family for a very very long time. Amazons will shatter glass when they squawk..they can also leave a hefty bite, which at times will cause you to bleed. Some legit rescues will have requirements to have you visit the bird on multiple occasions prior to adopting, help train you and your bird. some rescues tell you to come pick them up and say goodbye and return the bird if you don't want it anymore.

baby bird, you will get from a breeder, to which the baby will be hand fed, help trained to step up, get use to the right foods, and training will be an absolute breeze. downside, if you feel like you want to give up on the bird (i know it sounds horrific, but it happens all the time) now you just contributed to the overall problem with birds in captivity. You also could have instant health issues depending when you get the parrot, more vet visits, constant training till you get into the routine, their poops...they poop way more frequently as babies in comparison to adults. usually after a year they tend to settle down lol

If i had no Parrot, and wanted to own one and do it all over again, i would purchase from a local breeder that i know, obtain the parrot i am interested in as a baby, and see which species is best for me and my family...ask tons of questions. I would also look for a vet that specializes on parrots near me..cause ifi didnt have one, then i wouldnt probably buy a parrot at all. Not saying i regret my rescued Amazon, hes the coolest out of them all, but it was challenging and if i didnt own parrots prior to, i probably would have had to give him up. luckily we both learned and he became a great addition..but it wasnt easy.

I live in Utah, and the breeder i would recommend is Tracis Parrots 4 U here in Utah. They did an awesome job with my Lory..like a really good job, and knowing their process i would 100% trust them to get an Amazon. they also do get in rescued Amazons from time to time to where they have trained to look for new homes. Best of luck to you, and if you havent already, read all the pages on Amazons, has great information. helped me when i first got my boy.
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Meeting neighbors
When in doubt, get a female. Especially of the hot 3 (DYH, yellow nape and blue front). I doubt chaco has much to do with personality. It's common for people to say the prettier, larger or more desirable color or subspecies has a better personality. This isn't true. Color doesn't have much to do with temperament.
Saying that the behavior of an adult is set in stone is a little too general for my liking. Plenty of adult birds will be on their best behavior when in a new environment and then revert to their regular selves once they settle in. If you get an adult, observe its behavior around it's cage, in a room it is very familiar with. Make sure the owner can handle it well and that the bird will accept petting from the owner if that is important to you. Also, make sure you don't bring a nice male home to a household with other green birds of about the same size. Plenty of males that are overall nice birds have gone nuts with hormones when housed in the same room with a severe macaw for example or large green conure.
For amazon species that are not the hot 3, female is still best, but less important. I'd still be a little cautious about birds that fall into the yellow headed group such as yellow fronts and Panamas. Also, no amazon ever is guaranteed to be good with kids. More likely to be decent with kids would be species like lilac crowned, mexican red heads, red lored amazons, orange wings. Still no guarantees. If jumping off the cage and chasing your kids around with intent to cause harm is a deal breaker for you, maybe don't get an amazon. Especially, don't get a male.
man this is so true! Male Amazons during hormonal times...it can get vicious, but with females, then you have to worry about egg laying. My boy is a grouch, but man he is chill...we have a mutual respect thing going on between us LOL and yea, no garuntees with any of them, they all have different personalities.


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I was personally glad mine were both boys. No issue with eggs (so no worry that one would create medical issues).